Saint Joseph

Publish a Prayer


What created it and the need of which it was born?
A moment of despair, enlightenment, fear, joy or scorn?

Was it something pondered or from something said?
Was it a memory of regret or one of dread?

Does it carry wisdom or wash away pride?
Does it carry pain over love denied?

Was it from anger at a truth that was blighted?
Was it from love given, in which the heart delighted?

Does it carry the strength of a soul weary for rest?
Does it carry consolation and peace earned after a quest?

Though tiny and glistening, a shallow drop from the corner of the eye,
it is deeper than an ocean from which the soul replies.

And if all of mankind's were collected in one trickle of time,
what wisdom would be gathered, what would one find?

That every human heart breaks and love is needed to nurture each and every soul.
In His Mercy, God has felt every tear shed and longs to make us whole.

© by Jacqueline Ann Piech